Suivai Pilisipi Autagavaia, Gaby Solomona and Hillary Samuela take centre stage in SIS.
3 years ago

This groundbreaking new sketch comedy is free to stream online on Comedy Central!


I'm so proud to be able to help deliver these 'funny because it's true' stories to the world. Get in there and binge watch it now!

Courtesy of Culture Factory | Creative Director: Hanelle Harris | Photography: Apela Bell

I constantly marvel at how lucky I am to be able to be a part of bringing hilarious, relevant, groundbreaking content to our screens. Thank you to the wonderfully talented Hanelle Harris and the entire diverse team behind SIS for bringing me into the whānau/aiga. I'm so proud to present the trailer for this stunning new comedy special, hitting Comedy Central (Australia and New Zealand) on July 22nd followed by Prime TV.

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glyphicons-152-new-window-white-24x24.png SIS on Comedy Central website